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eMabler UI

Invoicing & Tariffs

Flexible Billing

Configure tariffs for diverse models.

Automated Processes

Reduce overhead with automated invoicing.

Financial Clarity

Detailed financial reporting and analytics.

Key Features

Dynamic pricing adjustments

Implement flexible pricing strategies with our dynamic pricing feature. Adjust tariffs in real-time based on usage, demand, or external data inputs such as energy prices, maximizing revenue while remaining competitive

Seamless financial system integration

Our system is designed to handle complex billing scenarios, including multi-party transactions and tiered pricing models. This flexibility ensures that you can accommodate a variety of customer agreements and pricing structures without additional administrative burden.

Support for complex billing scenarios

Our Invoicing Portal is designed to streamline your invoicing process. This allows you to view, manage, and send monthly invoices with ease. Once the invoicing feature is enabled you can begin entering payer and recipient information for either drivers or sites.

Supported invoicing models

  • Driver as Payer and Site as Recipient: Ideal for scenarios like an EV car owner being invoiced by their housing condominium.
  • The site as Payer and the Customer as Recipient: Suitable for cases where a housing condominium is invoiced by a company utilizing the eMabler platform.